How a kettle boils... in anger

Drama Queen !!!


This is how I express my emotions.

Most people get irritated for small things on a daily basis. But I on the other hand, have an extremely short temper and right now I am just simmering with rage. I won't explain what happened as to not start swearing and cursing  become too personal but I will describe what it is like to become like this.

There are many places where I can keep my temper, but if something in particular is bothering me for a long time, it is not going to be nice. Like what happened today for example. This type of irritation can make me stressed and cause a lump in my throat which can be hard to swallow. At this stage, I can cool down if left alone but sometimes I am continuously triggered which makes the lump bigger and cause fast breathing. If I am still coaxed, it is finally my limit so I either go completely insane and get beaten or burst into tears and be called a 'Drama Queen'. People start becoming teasing me which takes it to the next level (I can't blame them for they can't feel my discomfort) which makes me even angrier and causes me to become dizzy. Then I shout nonsense at people and make them offended and then I regret it later, which makes me miserable. My zodiac is also a Cancer, which means I can get into mood swings for no reason and people misunderstand me a lot. Fortunately people stop jeering at that point.

I only wrote this blog to let out steam and I do feel better now. But all I want to say to you is that if someone looks silly when in a rage, don't start making fun of them, just saying. 

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